"We all need somebody to look at us. We can be divided into four categories according to the kind of look we wish to live under. The first category longs for the look of an infinite number of anonymous eyes, in other words, for the look of the public...
The second category is made up of people who have a vital need to be looked at by many known eyes. They are the tireless hosts of cocktail parties and dinners...
Then there is the third category, the category of people who need to be constantly before the eyes of the person they love. Their situation is as dangerous as the situation of people in the first category. One day the eyes of their beloved will close, and the room will go dark..
And finally there is the fourth category, the rarest, the category of people who live in the imaginary eyes of those who are not present. They are the dreamers."
- posted by sergio but written not by me but by one who is great looking at all perspectives .. i mean is great at looking at the world from all different perspectives
she is writer who's written words are amazariffic eloquent, original, intruiging, sexy, intelligent and sweet x infinity and beyond!
(this song was written about her)