Yo Believe en Community

You gotta fight... for your right.. to Pro-gram!
Fight for Freedom..
Fight for Imagination.
Fight for your brothers and sisters all over this LAN.

Cause this site is your site this site is my site from california to Cuba island this site was made for you and me..can't you see you are everything I hoped for everything I need. You are so beautiful to me. Its true i saw your face in a crowded blog and i dont know what to do.

statement Teach music too ... have a music community.... network the studios together... just some notes for ideas... what about privacy... ..option one submit online loose privacy but keep it cc??? I don't know but here is a private rant that turns into plagiarism of songs running in my head but its still Creative Commons just like the world always is... anyway when u create something u can then share its all online or its all yours burn to a vcd/dvd or to ur usb and you decide who sees it no "varnivore" or us goverement scanning for key words so you can really comfortably say f the u.s. without fear f the patriot act f the "brave new world" of bullshit ... its all about you ... you studios your studios .... the same fng messege that i probably repeat too many times but anyway free speech power to that peeps and power to the bettermmentation of the world not just build walls around my land .... give me you poor tired your weak your handicapped your muslims jews canadians , australians, antarticans, pangeans, marsians and share cause this land is your this land is my land from california and new york long island... me and pochantas totally walked the footsteps of a stranger & started a fire in our hearts.... but it was always burning since the worlds been turning... at least thats what el piano man says but he always had to be a big shot ... did ya welll tanntantnanatt preassure all your life is channel 13 seseme street what does it mean....... whats a matter with my old car baby cant you tell that is out of style .. should i be a straigh A student are u going to cross the miricale mile... all you need is a good set of speakers you'd get more milage on a cheap pair of sneakers..... anyway its stil rock n roll to me yes go ideals that will never happen